- You can sleep when you are dead.
- Classes will always give you more reading than they expect you to finish.
- Meet with your professors especially if you plan to go to graduate school. They are your future ticket into the school of your choice.
- To get an A it will take time. Be patient.
- Your first semester is really about figuring things out. Don't freak out at your grades even if you got all A's in high school.
- Never say Never. Anything can happen... it's college.
- Just because it is April doesn't mean that mother nature believes it is spring and it will continue to snow.
- Don't put away your winter clothes too early... in other words don't put them away at all!
- BYU is really nerdy and they celebrate Pi day like it is a national holiday.
- Freshman mentoring is marginally helpful at best and only useful in you first semester.
- Take honors courses! They are the best and have awesome teachers.
- You will probably cry, a lot, get used to it.
- Sometimes being spontaneous is the best thing. Like going to the park and making giant snowballs.
- Check the water pitcher before you drink out of it. Vinegar is also clear and not nearly as refreshing as a cold tall glass of water.
- When you check the pitcher do not ask Liz to drink it for you. She will drink it vinegar or no vinegar and leave you sputtering nasty "water".
- On April Fools be especially careful when using the toilet.
- Be brave! Sometimes asking a professor for a job may be the best thing that ever happened to you.
- Ok professors can be really scary but they are willing to work with you when you need it. Well most of them anyway so it doesn't hurt to try.
- Religion classes may be your only A's
- Pull out all the mattresses and have a girls night watching Grey's Anatomy sometime. Way fun.
- When you say you aren't going to get a boyfriend, you may just meet the love of your life. <3
- Girls can be catty and mean. End of story.
- Don't judge a book by it's cover. This goes for people too. They may surprise you and end up being your best friend before long.
- If you get easily distracted it may be time to be tested. :P
- BYU basketball is a Beast! I <3 Jimmer but most of all Abuou is my main man.
- Don't jaywalk in front of the police station they will yell at you and may give you a ticket.
- Learn to love the library. It will be your new home soon enough.
- During finals week the Library is far too crowded with people who finally decide to be studious. Good luck finding a seat.
- You will get sick following finals no matter how vigilant your hygiene routine.
- If you are a girl, your shower/tub will turn into a Shub. No matter how many times maintenance comes it will continue to fill up and drain slowly.
- Whoever though 8:30 church was a brilliant idea was dead wrong.
- It is mandatory to hike the Y at least once during your freshman year.
- Stay outside as much as you can while it is still warm. This will be the only time that you can stay outside until all hours without freezing to death.
- Most BYU dances are kinda lame but Homecoming and Preference definitely are awesome.
- Yes BYU's football team may leave a lot to be asked of but we still love them.
- Late summer honors is an easy 1 credit course. Plus you get to see the campus before the rest of the freshies get there.
- The Marb is way confusing and I will never understand the layout of that building.
- Always check which floor you are on when you enter a building it ranges from 1st to 3rd floor. Rarely do you enter on the first floor.
- If your classroom is in the basement of any building good luck getting phone service.
- Taking notes on a laptop is the best! Typing is so much faster and you can keep up with the professor speaking.
- Math finals are uber hard. end of story
- Try your best and the Lord will do the rest
- Don't freak out about your major especially those freshman boys, you have plenty of time to make up your mind and you will most likely switch it 3 or more times.
- Cake is amazing!
- Cooking can be fun so try it
- Meal plans are heaven sent especially when you are short on time and don't want to live off cereal, which you do anyway.
- Music is the best way to stay awake while studying.
- Prepare to be awake until 5am on average writing papers the night before they are due even though you had 2 weeks to do the paper.
- Dirty Peppers are the fuel to stay awake while writing those papers.
- There is no caffeine campus so you must search elsewhere to get the "real" soft drinks
- Learn all the acronyms for the buildings.
- The campus is pretty big. If your first class is in the Maeser building you are hiking to the outer regions of campus.
- The testing center is the holiest place on campus due to all the prayers said there.
- The best feeling in the world is looking up on that tv to see your score and seeing "Great Job!" or "Perfect Score".
- There will be many disappointing test scores. Pray for a good curve
- American Heritage will put you to sleep every day without fail.
- Religion classes are actually really awesome and nothing like seminary.
- Don't go to the Cougareat between the hours of 11am and 1pm it is a zoo and lines are far too long.
- Quarters are gold and vital if you want to get your laundry done.
- No matter how many times you wash something or dry it, it will never be truly clean.
- It is really exciting to see all your guy friends getting their mission calls but also sad.
- Dorms are dirty, dingy, and dark. Welcome to your living condition for the next 4 years.
- Visiting Hours are enforced strictly, best to just stick to them.
- RAs may seem cool and nice at first but beware they can be mean under all that "niceness".
- When a girl says "Yeah we should hang out some time." She doesn't really want to.
- Divine comedy is amazing and you should go to every show.
- When a guy says "Yeah we should hang out some time" he wants to date you.
- The dollar movie nights in the Varsity theater are fun cheap dates.
- haha... 69... if you were in my dorm you'll understand this and all of our constant innuendos.
- I am so glad I went to BYU. I definitely made the right choice. Yes mormons can be some of the most judgmental people you will meet but they are truly good people too. I am a true Cougar and I bleed Blue. My testimony grew so much this year and for that I am eternally grateful.
Well there you have it 70 things I learned. Yes it's long but there is just so much to say. Hope you had fun reading and there will be more coming soon....