Friday, September 2, 2011

Tetris and Frogger

Yes! Made it through my first week of school here at BYU. Feeling pretty pumped for this semester but dang does it have me working. It is only the first week and if I am not sleeping or eating I am in the library or Math Lab slaving my life away.  Every morning it is like a game getting ready for classes. First our fridge is so packed full of yummy foods that we seriously have to play tetris to get the milk out. Then it is a quick hop, skip, and a jump across the road and up the large hill scattered with stairs to campus. So here is a run down of my schedule and the classes I am taking:


Course Title

 CL CV 110

 Hnrs Intro to Greek&Roman Lit


 Great Works & Arts Engagement

 IHUM 261


 MATH 112

 Honors Calculus 1

 PWS 340


 REL A 211

 Honors: The New Testament

Math is pretty brutal because it is every single day of the week. We have lecture every day except Thursday so I always feel like I am playing catch up in that class and it is only the first week! Definitely going to use this long weekend to try and get a bit ahead. I start off with Genetics which seems like a fascinating class but yeah I'm also behind in the reading for that class. We moved through 3 chapters in two classes which is about 60 pages in the textbook. -.- Yeah so more catch up this weekend. Hooray! Dr. Maughan is hilarious though and he makes the subject sound even more interesting than I thought it would be and I mean it is my major after all. Intro to Greek and Roman literature is already kicking my butt. The shear amount of reading in that class is almost cripling. I have plowed my way through 200 pages of the Iliad already and have another 100 pages to read over the weekend. It sounds like it will be fun though. Just lots and lots of reading.

The class that will probably be my favorite is my Great Works science class which only meets once a week. It is low maintenance as far as the reading goes and it is a lot of hands on experience. Last class we seriously just played with minerals and metals. Way fun! This Thursday we have a fieldtrip to the Planetarium on campus. I'm way excited cause I have been wanting to go to one of those shows forever.

New Testament has me really excited already. Brother Ogden has me fired up about Christ and I am looking forward to diving into the scriptures and coming to know my Savior on a deeper level. He joked around that his class is the best class on campus and I don't doubt that if I put in the work required I can come away with a stronger testimony and personal revelation about my Redeemer. Our first devotional on campus is on Tuesday so I am definitely going to that before my math class again. Now, my Humanities class is at a really weird time but I love it already. We are reading fascinating things about Jamestown and the early colonies. He is very knowledgeable and even was relating Pocahontas (the real one) to the Disney version. Man Disney had it all wrong but I can see why they changed it the way they did. I mean, it wouldn't be as popular for one. If you're curious as to what the story really is go Google it. :) One thing I learned in this class is that the Indian on campus that everyone calls the "Naked Indian" (He is wearing a loincloth) is actually Massosoit. Pretty sweet! So something that I see every day now has so much more meaning now.

Well, that's the run down of my classes. This week has been activities week for our ward. Every night there has been a ward activity to try and get us to branch out and make friends. It has been way fun. Monday night for FHE we got together and went to Jump On It! which is a trampoline house. We were all having a blast, eating pizza and such, when this poor kid Allen broke his leg! He landed on the dividers between the trampolines wrong and his leg snapped. Luckily it wasn't a compound fracture but still, ouch! The next night was cookies and lemonade where I made a quick guest appearance, grabbed some cookies and scurried away to my apartment to slave away at homework. Wednesday brought games and Ice Cream. YUMMY! It was pretty fun, gotta love the games that these people come up with, so random. Thursday was Cops and Robbers but I couldn't attend cause I went to a math review for my Pre-Test in Calculus. Yep that's right Calculus pretest... if I don't get about a 75 I can't take the class. Plus it counts as two homework grades so I better do good on it. Tonight is movie night at the Bishops. I am way excited. I don't even care what the movie is. I just want to roast marshmellows and enjoy the company of my fellow college students.

I cannot express just how good it is to be back at BYU. All summer I felt a little lost. I didn't really know what I was doing with my life. Everything was all caddiwhompus and it was just a mess frankly. Now that I have some structure again I am so focused. Life seems to be just falling into place and I couldn't be happier right now. I have awesome roommates. The guys in the ward are fantastic. Mark and I are the best of friends. Well, and my mom is visiting next weekend! Woot! Simply put, I could not be more happy with my life at the moment. Well, sure I could have less homework, but at the same time I love that feeling of accomplishment when you leave the library at a ridiculous hour and walk home in the crisp late summer air. It is exhilarating. Yes, I know I am a nerd, so sue me. My friend Adam whom I have affectionately nick-named "Scooby" due to his laugh and mannerisms has me hooked on going to the periodicals. No service down there so you can actually get stuff done. It is great!

Random Fact: People generally read 25% slower from a computer screen compared to paper.

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